About Our Church

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A Word from the Pastor

     For twelve years, I have had the pleasure of pastoring Victory  Tabernacle Holiness Church. In this short time, a lot has transpired - from the loss of many of our loved ones that we have truly missed, empty pews, voids in the heart, but many memories we truly hold to. Also those that had to move on due to the leadership of the Lord into other ministries are missed.

    We are blessed with people who are willing to work in different areas of the church, such as our Bus ministry, Street ministry, Ladies group, Jail and Nursing Home ministry, Children's church, Youth ministry, and Vacation Bible School. Other programs we work with are Youth camps and Foreign and Local missions. Keeping Christ as our focus, we are expecting great things yet to come.

    In the unity of the Spirit, we are working to increase the kingdom of God. We are believing for Him to expand our borders. In visiting our church, you will find loving, caring people that have a desire to help others reach deeper places in God.

May God Richly Bless You!

In HIM, Roger Luke

Our pastor, Roger, his wife, Joan, and their daughter, Jennifer

About Our Missions

Our church is blessed to have many Godly people willing to reach out and help others in foreign lands. We have works in Mexico, El Salvador, and Costa Rica. We also support other mission works in Trinidad & Tobago and Tanzania, Africa. We help support a mission work in Kentucky as well.

The head of the Good Shepherd Ministries in Mexico is Bro William Rodriguez. He has been living and building churches in mexico for many, many years.

Tammy and Michael Leath, a young couple from our church willingly accepted the call of God to the mission field and worked along side Bro Rodriguez in Mexico for about 6 years. They are now busy doing the Lord's work in South Carolina where they have established a Spanish church for the local community.

In Tanzania, Africa we support the Safe Haven Orphanage, which was established by Pastor L. Keith Powers and his church in McGaheysville, Virginia. Workers from our church and others anually go and assist them in building churches and adding more room to the ever growing orphange.

If you have any questions regarding our missions or if you would like to find out how you can help us in the Lord's work, feel free to contact us for more information!

Visit Safe Haven Orphanage Online